Working musicians back then often cringe at the idea, but do
older hi-fi enthusiasts still remember the time when the hi-fi cassette tape
deck and the FM tuner worked as a complete “recording system”?
By: Ringo Bones
Working musicians back then whose livelihoods are more or
less solely dependent on the revenue of the sales of their copyrighted works
often frown upon the prospect of the masses relying as their main recorded
music source off-air recording from FM stereo broadcasts. Worse still, near the
end of the 1970s, a number of FM stations being run by broadcasters / engineers
with “Golden Ears” started to broadcast their music programs in a format called
“Dolbyized FM” or “Dolby-Encoded FM broadcasts” where a hi-fi enthusiast with a
well-aligned and set-up hi-fi cassette tape deck could “potentially” make
off-air recordings whose sound quality that’s as good as or even better – and
judging by my first hand experience of finding such cassette tapes in recent
garage sales and swap meets often way better – than prerecorded music cassette
tapes sold by major labels in licensed music stores. Even though no
“integration” yet exists between the i-Pod and the “legal and licensed” online
music stores selling downloadable digital music in the form of preemphasis for
jitter reduction and what have you – was the “integration” between the hi-fi FM
tuner and the hi-fi cassette tape deck via Dolby-encoded FM stereo broadcasts
the only time in history where there is system integration between broadcasting
and home recording?
Since big-wig engineers running those online “licensed and
legal” digital music downloads seems to be sitting on their asses when it comes
to pushing for better sound quality, I’ll just reminisce about the good old
days of using your hi-fi cassette tape deck to record Dolbyized FM broadcasts. By
the late 1970s, “affordable” hi-fi cassette tape decks – if you consider 400 US
dollars affordable back in 1979 – started to enter the market that can
integrate with FM stations providing Dolby-encoded broadcasting service.
Usually in its Dolby noise selector switch - usually with the 19-KHz pilot tone filter for the cassette tape deck's built-in Dolby noise reduction system to work properly with Dolbyized FM stereo broadcasts, there is a position labeled FM
which is used to process audio from an FM station that Dolby-encodes its programs.
In this mode, recording-level controls are disabled and the input level is
controlled usually by two screwdriver controls – on the rear apron – using the
test tones that are periodically transmitted (usually in the wee hours of the
morning an hour prior to their regularly-scheduled broadcasts) by FM stations
that use Dolby processing. The FM mode also converts the 75-microsecond
deemphasis of the tuner’s output to the 25-microsecond required by the Dolby
noise-reduction system.
Cassette tape decks that are designed to be integrated with
Dolby-encoded FM broadcasts are usually equipped with recording heads that are
an engineering tour-de-force in comparison to their early 1990s era siblings
because cassette tapes recording heads used in such machines back then had to
be driven to about +10dB with most tapes before third-harmonic tape distortion
reached the reference 3 percent level. While ones made by leading brands – like
Sony, Nakamichi and Teac just to name a few -
had to be driven to +13dB before the 3 percent third-harmonic distortion
mark is reached. Recording heads used in “affordable” cassette tape decks made
around 1994 or later started to reach the 3 percent third-harmonic distortion
mark if the signal reaches +4dB – even with metal tapes!
Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, a good cassette tape
deck that is designed to cope with the likely “excesses” of the Dolby-encoded
FM broadcasting system usually have a headroom of 7 to 10dB beyond the Dolby
level before distortion reaches 3 percent. Therefore, Dolby-encoded FM programs
can be recorded with fully effective Dolby operation with no risk of tape
saturation and the resulting loss of high frequency signals and increased
distortion. And their VU meters are accurate to within 1dB of the correct 200
nW/m flux level for a standard Dolby tape.
On most recorders back then, if the FM Dolby signal levels
are adjusted correctly for the Dolby system, with 50 percent modulation
corresponding to a Dolby-level meter indication on the recorder, 100 percent
modulated peaks will be at +6dB and will almost certainly overload the
recorder. The only alternative in most cases is to set the Dolby tone from the
FM transmitter (50 percent modulation) several decibels below the meters’ Dolby
points, which can degrade frequency response and noise reduction but will not
distort. These examples are based on recording the signal without decoding – a
theoretically preferable approach. Often, the easiest solution is to decode the
Dolby-encoded signal and record it in that form at correct levels.
In my opinion, the only good reason for buying old hi-fi cassette tape decks that can decode and record Dolby encoded FM broadcasts is that their record heads can record up to +10dB on the VU without producing an aggro of harmonic distortion.